Friday, May 13, 2016

Dan In Real Life

My idea of beauty
Eyes that hold the galaxy
A voice that makes a symphony
Hair that frames her face perfectly
Yet an attitude as sour as vinegar
 A girl as ugly as a elephants butt. 
(Guess who lost their poetic abilities) 

Nick Names
Joshie poo
Juice box
Javier Jr
Ray Ray
Cookie Monster
Spider Man

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why I Write

I write to improve my vocabulary.

I write to get my feelings out.

I write to inform others.

I write to get the grade.

I write to cripple my hand.

I write to create art.

I write to contain thoughts.

I write to remember.

I write to speak.

I write to prepare.

I write to calm down.

I write to ease my mind.

I write to create.

I write to impress.

I write to pass on.

I write to help.

I write to take up time.

I write to take up space. 

Friday, April 29, 2016


Dear Wendy, 
School has been really stressful lately, especially the last few weeks. At least Summer break will be here soon. I'm not sure if I will have any finals or not. Hopefully I won't though. I plan on working a lot over the Summer and hopefully spending time with friends. Next year I will be going to OTC for Middle College. It's where I finish highschool there and I get college credit for it. I'm pretty excited for that. Class is almost over so I won't be in Creative Writing anymore. I don't think I'll be able to keep in touch since I will be working and trying to have time for friends. I hope that you have a great time over the summer. Best of wishes to you. 
Sincerely, Josh

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Photo Hunt

Inline image
Something that makes me laugh 
Inline image
Something that looks like a face but isn't
Inline image
Something that makes me happy

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chinese Partners Opinion on Wife Swap

My Partner Said:
josh,yeah we have seen it,I think it is a really ridiculous show!I don't know why there is a such show πŸ˜‚I can't say it is good or not but it shows something to us that every family has its own way to live πŸ˜€what do you think πŸ˜€

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MSU Exchange Students

The MSU exchange students coming to visit us helped me learn the differences and similarities between our high schools in America and China. 
We talked about how the schools in China are a lot more strict and how life there is more education oriented. The students we had were Jasmine and the other students name escapes my mind. They told us that in China they have school from 8:00 am - 11:00 pm and that they have a lot more classes than we do. I would love to get into contact with them again. 
For the school tour we took them all around the school. We took them to the main halls and the gym and even through the court yard. The students took pictures with us. 
I thought that it was a great activity. It helped me understand how different our two cultures are. I think that the exchange students loved being able to come and see how different an american high school is. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wife Swap

After watching the Wife Swap video I saw, and heard, many ideas on what people thought was considered "right" or "okay" within a family. Well, firstly I think that families should spend time together. That's a given. Whether it be dinner or playing games bonding is very important. Secondly, I feel like kids should have an equal balance between work and play. Kids shouldn't have to spend five days at school followed by a bunch of extra work with no days off. However, kids shouldn't just be able to run around wild. That wouldn't lead to anything good. 
Next, this was probably the biggest problem people would have had with that all, is respect. I think that everyone in the house should respect each other. Wife, husband, child, anyone. They should all respect each other. I also believe that work around the house should be spread around the family equally. Though most people would find it stereotypical that a mans place is working to provide for the family and a womens place would be in the kitchen, at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of kids. I think that the family should split those duties equally. I really don't think we should have labels or stereotypes for what a persons roll is in the family.